BirdWeb: Birds Connect Seattle's Guide to the Birds of Washington State

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feathers Birds Accounts of Washington's bird species with images, maps, and sounds.
map Birding Sites and Ecoregions Washington's ecoregions and favorite birding sites in each.

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wing Species of Special Concern Washington bird species listed by state and federal agencies and by Audubon.
binoculars Birding Resources Birding organizations and events in Washington and other useful references.

  Bird of the Week  

Bird of the week image

Northern Flicker

Colaptes auratus

The Northern Flicker is our only brown woodpecker, an adaptation that helps camouflage this species as it often forages on the ground. In spring, male Northern Flickers - like other woodpeckers - drum to advertise their territories and attract the attention of females, often to the lament of homeowners with metal chimneys or gutters. There two forms - "Red-shafted" and "Yellow-shafted" - are distinguished by plumage and distribution, but hybridize where their ranges overlap.

  Birding Site of the Week  

Birding Site of the week image

Chehalis River Valley

Pacific Northwest Coast

The scattered wetlands of the Chehalis River Valley are great places to listen for various marsh species, including the Sora. Springtime brings an increase in shorebirds, along with migrant passerines. Flycatchers, vireos, and warblers are often seen in the riparian/wetland areas. Sandhill Cranes often pass through during the early spring.

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birders with binoculars

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Birds Connect Seattle